David's music.
Music created to heal the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. David’s spirit guides put specific healing frequencies into each song.

Joshua tree
Albuquerque | Revitalization – facilitates better cellular functioning.
Canon in D (Arranged In The Key Of C) | Wisdom – refreshes understanding from past lives.
Ellen | Initiation – expands awareness of soul’s purpose.
Joshua Tree | Structure – focuses creative ideas to manifest.
Monticello | Balance – helps cardiovascular electrical rhythms.
Swanville | Grounding – integrates the spirit into the physical.
Burt | Transition – brings enlightenment.
Gracious | Enthusiasm – boosts positive life force energy.
Meg | Inspiration – elevates spirit.
Scottsdale | Serenity – harmonizes molecular energetic frequencies.
By The Brook | Tranquility – soothes and calms.
Palm Springs | Learning – increases consciousness.
Kristin | Receiving – aids reception of healing frequencies.
The Good Guys | Refreshment – repairs and builds conscious pathways.
Hot Springs | Awareness – activates spirit evolution.

I AM free
I Am Free | Praying Mantis - They teach us, in this song, that freedom is really just a state of mind. Burdens can shift with these frequencies.
Awareness | Praying Mantis - Teaches us that we imprison ourselves due to the lack of our understanding. Awareness can be stimulated by the series of notes combined with underlying frequencies.
The Helpers | Praying Mantis - They teach us to use the helper ions in Earth's atmosphere. These ions were left here to revitalize our life energy. In the ET world, the energy is commonly referred to as just, “the helpers.” Helper ions are in both water and air.
On to Earth | Romboids - 25,000 years ago, when Earth was undergoing rapid change, these insectoid beings set a course to Earth to assist in stabilizing the planet. Although the Romboids never made it to Earth, their songs have a stabilizing effect and are played throughout many universes.
Our Destiny | Queptys - A reptilian race known as Queptys helped Earth to create an atmosphere. Although their actions enabled sustainable life, the mixture of gasses was toxic to the Queptys themselves. Many millions of years ago, they helped us create our present atmosphere, which contributed to our destiny.
Sovereignty | Kwamba - These beings are partially responsible for our present-day DNA makeup. These highly advanced beings helped engineer our DNA and prepared us for our sovereignty over many other life forms. This song helps activate DNA to promote healthy living and extend life span.
One More Lover | Andromedan - In this Andromedan galaxy, there is a belief that each planet in the universe affects the health and safety of that universe. It is important to love all planets equally regardless of the state of turmoil.
Far From Home | Cathars - All of our experiences make up who we are. No matter where we decide to live in the universe, our hearts remain where we were born. These memories stay with us even when we are far from home. This song stimulates those memories.
Anabell Rain | Many races - Celebratory song of the creators. When a planet first gets a stabilized atmosphere, the first substantial rain that occurs is called the anabell rain. The planet in a sense comes to life at this significant event in the history of its evolution.
Translation | Pleaidians - Our first and most important task of communicating with ET species is the process of translation. Translation precedes understanding.
Seventh Sense | Archturians - The sixth sense is one which has an inward effect. Conversely the seventh sense affects outwards. All of our thoughts have an impact through this sense. Both our own thoughts and the thoughts of others affect the same reality. By projecting your intent, you can manifest a desired result; however, others can inadvertently interfere though negativity.
Leaders | Indusians - This song builds leadership skills. 35,000 years ago a group of beings settled in what is known as South America. They built many great temples with only the power of their thought. They were said to be the greatest leaders in the history of Earth.
Stage Right | Tall White - Many positive things can happen when you set the stage right. The Tall White are known as the ambassadors of peace. They work closely with the Praying Mantis race. The Tall White resemble our European ancestors.
Gliding Away | Pleadians - When we leave our Earthly body, the feeling has been described as a gliding away. This is proof to us that our soul lives indefinitely and without pain. This songs helps with the direct relief of pain.
Way Up High | Pleadians - When in the dream state, the spirit leaves the body and floats to a place in the universe that is far from here. In a sense we go way up high. This song aids our body by creating the sounds we use to regenerate our energy.

Galactic groove
These songs were brought to David by the Traveler. The Traveler is a being that travels as an energy form and has been all over many universes. He has originated from the species known as Andromedean.
Song List:
Apollo | From the Greys. A song they were sending to the Apollo astronauts on their trip to the moon while they were traveling in their spaceship behind them. These Greys are from the planet Grabo (as referred to by the Pleiadian race) in the Orion star system. The Traveler who channeled the music to David said there are 1,475 planets the Greys inhabit. They are super psychic, telepathic and highly sensitive to energy.
Three Blind Mice | From the Pleiadians. It is a Pleiadian high court official salutary greeting song. Pleiadians are highly into melody and interesting combinations of sound. Their home is the Pleiadian star system.
Our Spaceship | From the Sagitarians (as referred to by the Pleiadians). They are from the planet Sagiti of the Sagittarius constellation. (FYI the Pleiadians taught Earthlings Astrology).
Dolphin Talk | From the Acturis. The Acturis developed into different forms, one being the dolphin. Several million years ago, the humanoid Acturis brought the dolphin Acturis to Earth way before the Annunaki Race arrived. (The Annunakis were thought to be the first race to come to Earth).
Sailing with Angels | From the Calathedos (as referred to by the Pleiadians). They are from a neighboring star system to us. They were genetically seeded on their planet about 20,000 years ago.
Robot Factory | From the Sato. The Annunaki seeded a race called the Sato thousands of years ago. Their galaxy is in our southern hemisphere. Their music is very rhythmic with lots of drums. David was given visuals of their robot factory too.
Creation | From the Pleiadians. They are from the planet Sazs (best way to spell it) from within their Pleiadian star system. The Pleiadians are Caucasian humanoids with both a similar numerical system and vocal sounds as ours. Their language is slightly different.
Space Groove | From the Arcturians. This was a theme song for their spiritual awareness. It was used 19,000 years ago during the development of a newly seeded planet called Athesis.
Sputnik | From Dracos 3 (as referred to by the Pleiadians). The Dracos race come from a system of 12 planets. Earth is visited by mainly Dracos 3, 5 and 6 as reference to their planet number. These are the higher conscious civilized reptilians. They can be unpredictable at times and have a few “pirate types”. For the most part Dracos 3, 5, & 6 are good guys. There are other reptilian races that have a lower conscious warlike mindset.
My Fantasy | From the Dracos of the Dracos 6 planet. The Dracos 6 folks do a lot of space exploration. This is a typical arrangement that would be considered one of their classical pieces. It breaks all the rules of typical composition and has an emphasis on rhythm.
Filial Love | From the Genies (pronounced Jenn-ees). They are humanoids from the planet Genesha near the Big Dipper. The sounds were created with the same vibration that is conducive to filial love.
The Genie | From the Rombow. They are a highly compassionate people. They are humanoid with big ears, a big head and a smaller body than ours. They do not travel off their planet anymore but they have lots of visitors. They are from the Telos 3 star system. (Not to be confused with Telusians, another faction of travelers but not of Telos 3.) A Rombow musician or creative artist is referred to as a Genie.

Music from the stars
Song List:
The Dance Standoff
Killer Whales
Oddly Enough
Time Will Tell
Quiet Times
Testing You
The Unit Grabber
In The Jungle
Translator's Dilemma
Privacy in Space
The Crazy World
Spiraling Down
Wake Up